This is my little buger butt. Yesterday I was working on a few things and I had my ink drawer out on my bed. I had ran into the kitchen for a quick second for something and when I came back into my room this is what was happening. Yes Mr. Caleb decided that he wanted to wear all the inks. He was applying the ink sponges just like mommy does her makeup. It really was funny. I wasn't too upset about the ink because it was pastel colors that I never used because they were always too light, so I have had them forever without really any use. So I didn't get too upset. I first thought to grab my camera so I can do a layout called "Boys don't wear makeup!". LOL He sure is having a grand time with it though. Needless to say we got into the shower right after this. I think the shower door might still have his little peach colored handprint on it. LOL
This is the birthday card I made her as well. I think I was having a butterfly thing for her because there is a butterfly on the card and the wall hanging as well. Maybe it is from the lack of butterflies I usually get to use. Well I hope she really liked the stuff I made her.
Did I mention I AM SO EXCITED. It is all coming together nicely and it will be here before we know it.
Off to the shower before we have to pick Ryan up from school.
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